What's up Newgrounders!
It's been a while since I've posted anything and that's my bad... I've been through more shit recently than I can even begin to talk about. For those wondering what's going on, I don't have a whole lot of time right now but I'll answer a couple of key questions to keep those of you wondering in the know:
* Orchestrated Death II is still in the works, it's very close to completion, but I'm still not quite where I want it to be.
* Heist III is still on it's way, it's been held up much more than OD2 and will be released after OD2, but it is still definitely coming.
* Highwitamic.com has been down and due to AT&T being evil bastards and screwing up my e-mail I've had for 10 years when I switched to dry-loop DSL thus causing me to lose all files and databases on my website. However I just got it paid, so it's no longer suspended, just still being reworked :)
Sorry I don't have more time to discuss things, but once I get settled and get things started again, I'll post an update. Thanks for your support guys :)
I want orchestrated death ll. It better be good. Is it?
I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed :)