If it had been funny, that might have made up for the fact that the fat guy looks and acts way too much like carl from ATHF, And you seem to deny it in your reviews as if you don't see the similarities. This is what you responded with in a review:
"It's strange: the more that people watch this, the more I hear that people relate the Conscience to Karl - all they've got in common is a Northern voice and a weight problem"
He sounds like hes trying to hard to sound like carl, he also puts his hand over his face like carl does when hes frustrated, hes bald, and his voice is a little raspy, hes a ripoff. It wouldn't bother me so much if you would just admit where this character derives from, instead you choose to act as if its just "so crazy" how people think he sounds like carl. I do happen to like the blockhead character, even though hes stupid as hell. Just my 2 pennies...